Strategies for easy cooking
Every single home in the USA has a kitchen with electricity, gas and tap water : you only need good tools, few appliances and a pinch of love to make it work. Your kitchen is not a show room: it is a living space, the heart of your home !
As a Mom, I enjoy quick and simple recipes : I find it very frustrating to cook every day, spend a lot of time cooking and see the food being swallowed in a matter of seconds. This is why I have developed strategies to make it rewarding and enjoyable for me as well.
Good tools
A refrigerator, a freezer, an oven, a stove and a blender.
1 good knife, a wooden board, some pans and dishes. Few tools, as peeler, whip, wooden spoons.
Efficient pantry
Some cans, good pure vegetable oils, vinegar, pasta, beans, flours, pure cocoa, baking soda, seeds.

The 1-minute easy crust
200g / 7 oz wheat flour
100g / 3.5 oz salted butter
50g / 1.75 oz tap water
Mix together, place on your tray and voilà ! Can be used for quiches, tarts. You can add spices, dried herbs... Create your own !

Easiest healthiest chocolate cake ever
2 handful of chestnuts
200g / 7 oz chocolate chips
3 eggs
Mix chestnuts and chocolate chips into powder. Add the eggs. Bake for 25 minutes at 360'F. Don't need to preheat oven. You can let it rest in the oven until cooled.
Variance : replace chestnuts with nuts, walnuts, almonds... Add flavor : rhum, orange extract, cinnamon... and enjoy !

Delicious, economic, crispy baguette
1 1/2 cup room temperature water
1 bag of dry yeast (7g)
3 2/3 white flour
1 tbs salt
Put the ingredients in that same order in a bowl. Mix a little bit, cover and let rise for at least 1 1/2 hour in a warm place.
Heat your oven at 420'F and pour water in a pot or pan at the bottom. While oven and water heat, form 2 or 3 baguettes. Use your spatula to elongate the dough. It might stick a little, it is normal. You can top with seeds (sunflower and poppy on the picture)
Bake for 30 minutes and enjoy !